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Create class/group

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If you have created a user manually, you can also add the user to a class or group. You can also do this if the school has a sync between the student register and the School, but the sync for some reason does not put the user in a class / group.

In the step below, we describe how to create a new class / group. If you have already created groups / classes before, you will find further down the page how to add a user to a group.

How to create a class / group in Skolon

Start with:

1. Log in to Skolon.

2. Click on the School admin icon in your collection.

3. In the left edge you have a menu, select Users.

If you have not yet created your user, follow this link

4. Click Groups.

5. Click the Add button that appears next to whether you want to create a class or if you want to create a teaching group.

6. You will now see a box on the screen.

Fill in the name of your class / group and click Save.

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