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Add multiple schools to a user - Knowledgebase / Administration in Skolon / Manage users in Skolon - Skolon Support

Add multiple schools to a user

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As an organization administrator, you can now connect several schools to a user directly from the School's administrator tool. This is a useful function, for example if a school administrator is to be able to administer more schools than his primary school, if a teacher has teaching at several schools or if students have teaching at more than one school.

In the admin tool, go to Users and select the user that i sopposed to be linked to an additional schools. Click Edit.

Then click Manage Schools.

In the box that opens, you can select the schools that the user is supposed to be connected to. Then click Save.

The user can now switch between their schools in My collection. If the user has administrator rights, he can also switch between his schools inside the administrator tool.

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