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Add users manually - Knowledgebase / Administration in Skolon / Manage users in Skolon - Skolon Support

Add users manually

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Adding users to Skolon can be done in three ways:

1. Through a sync to your student register, which is the most common way for schools and municipalities that use Skolon. Contact us at Skolon Support if you want to know more about student register syncs.

2. Manual setup: Create a new user

3. Manual setup: Import multiple users via excel file, more information can be found here: Create multiple users with the import function.

In this section, you will learn how to create users manually: One or more users at a time.

Start with:

1. Log in to Skolon.

2. Click on the School admin icon in your collection.

3. In the left edge you have a menu, select Users.

4. You get two choices: Groups and Users, select Users. Then choose whether you want to create Teacher or Students. Since there are two different types of accounts, teachers and students need to be created separately.

Below you will find a description of how to create a user manually.

5. To create only one new user, select whether you want to create a Teacher or Student in the left menu - then you will see all existing users in a list. Click the Add button.

6. You will now see a box where you fill in all the information about the user.

E-mail becomes the user's username in Skolon and you can set an optional password yourself or click on random, and Skolon will create an automatic password.

If you create a teacher, you can also select a role in the box. All teachers that are created becomes a regular teacher account, but if you click on the text Role: Teacher, you can choose to create an administrator. This means that this user will also be able to manage users, licenses and settings for your school's Skolon Account.

Here you can also click in Confirmation Email YES / NO. If you click YES, the user will receive an email with login information sent to them (recommended), so that they know how to log in.

Do not forget to click Save - now the user is created!

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