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Questions and answers about Templates

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What is a template?

A template consists of folders with tools that can be assigned to individual users, classes, or an entire school. By assigning folders through templates, tools are organized in folders according to the administrator's preferences.

Who can create templates?

Super Admins can create templates for the organization and per school.

School Admins can create templates for schools they are connected to.

How do I assign a template to staff only?

The best way to ensure that only staff members see the folders with tools in their collection is by configuring access settings for each tool. When creating a tool, you can choose whether it should be available to students, teachers, and administrators. If you only select teachers and administrators for a tool, only staff members will see the tools in their collection.

Tools placed in a template assigned to the entire school will only be visible to those with access to the tool. If you have specified that the tool should only be available to teachers and administrators, it will not be visible to students.

Does everyone have access to the tools included in the template?

No, only the users who have access to the tools will see them in their collection. Access to the tools is controlled in the tool management

Do new users automatically get assigned the template?

Yes, if the template is assigned to a group or school that the user is affiliated with, the template will automatically be assigned. However, for the user to see the folders in their collection, the tools also need to be assigned to the user or the group/school the user is affiliated with

Can I edit a template?

As a Super Admin, you can make changes to a template created centrally at the organization level, as well as templates created at schools within the organization.

As a School Admin, you can make changes to a template created at the school you are affiliated with

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