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Teacher's room - an overview of your students - Knowledgebase / Functions in Skolon / Teachers´ room - Skolon Support

Teacher's room - an overview of your students

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With the function Teacher's room, which all teachers and administrators have access to, it's possible to get a clear overview of the students and classes / groups that are connected to you as a teacher. For schools and municipalities that have the paid version Skolon Pro, there is also the function
(länk My Classes Pro), with "even smarter additional functionality"?. (länk Here) you can read more about My Classes Pro.My Classes

You're able to see:

- Your connected classes and groups, as well as the students in these

- What tools the students have access toPicture above: This is the view for all teachers and administrators - the icon for Teacher's room can be found at the top of the main menu. When you click on it, you get a clear overview of your linked classes, groups and available tools. If you click on a class or group, you can also see which students are in which class / group and which tools each student has access to.

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