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Upload your own logo for the organisation or school - Knowledgebase / Administration in Skolon / School settings - Skolon Support

Upload your own logo for the organisation or school

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As an administrator, you can choose to add the school or municipality's logo, so that it is visible to all users up in the main menu. How to use:

1. Log in to Skolon and click on the School Admin icon in your collection.

2. Now you are in Skolon Admin. Click Adjustments.

3. Next to the text School logo there is an arrow, click on it to upload the image/logo.

4. You can upload your file in two ways:
a) Click the Choose File button and locate the file you want to upload on your computer.
b) Drag your file and drop it on the area where the arrow is pointing in the sample image.

5. Now you get the picture you have chosen in front of you. It is best if the image is initially in a square format, for example 256x256 pixels. The black thin box shows how your image fits into the template for the logo. If it doesn't fit, you can click the buttons with the plus and minus signs to enlarge or reduce the image inside the frame. When you feel ready, click Save.

6. If the logo is not visible directly at the top of the main menu, try refreshing the page, and it will appear correctly.Done!

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