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Delete a user - Knowledgebase / Administration in Skolon / Manage users in Skolon - Skolon Support

Delete a user

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You who have an administrator account can manage all users: add, edit or delete.

If your school has your student register synced to Skolon, you delete the user in the student register. Then the user is also deleted in Skolon (which disappears after a nightly sync).

In this section you will learn how to delete users manually.

Start with:

1. Log in to Skolon.

2. Click on the School admin icon in your collection.

3. In the left edge you have a menu, select Users.

4. You get two choices: Groups and Users, select Users. Then select if you want to delete Teacher or Students.

5. Now you get all the users in a list. Find the user in the list or use the search bar at the top of the page.

6. In the right edge of the same line as the user, you will find a symbol with three black dots. If you click on it, you will see the options Delete, Change or Move. Select Delete, and the user will be removed from Skolon.

7. You can also delete multiple users at once: To the left of each user's name is a box. If you check the box, the user is selected and you can then check several boxes. Remove selected users will then appear at the top of the page. Click on it, and all selected users will be deleted.


Note: You can only remove users from Skolon in this way. For example, if you are in a class or group and select Delete, the user only disappears from the class / group - not from the School.

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