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Validate user data

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User data is retrieved from your student register or, for example, a Microsoft Active Directory (AD). Once the synchronization is set up, initiated, and data has been imported into Skolon, it is important to validate the data that has been read in. Below, we describe how this is done.

To access user data in Skolon, you should have an organization administrator account. With this account, you can download a validation file that provides a clear overview of all your user data stored in Skolon. Here is information on how to download this file: Export Validation File.

As a school administrator, you can view imported data for the school or schools you administer directly in the School Administrator tool. Here is more information on where you can find the data: Users, quantities, class, and group affiliations.

Validate User Data

Validation of user data involves verifying that the data coming into Skolon is accurate. You can find imported data in the admin panel under Users > Users and Users > Groups. Data validation is performed for three different data types:

  1. User Data
  2. Classes
  3. Groups

User Data

For each school, verify that user data in your source system matches what has been imported into Skolon for:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Username (usually the same as email)
  • Email
  • Role (Teacher/Student)

Ensure that both student and teacher accounts are checked.

Classes and Groups

For each school, verify that the following matches for a few classes and groups:

  • Names match those in the source system
  • Number of students
  • Number of teachers
  • Student associations (i.e., the correct students are in the class/group)
  • Teacher associations (i.e., the correct teachers are in the class/group)
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